Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is the unifying focus for the spiritual, academic, social and emotional aspects of school life at St Paul’s International College.

Pastoral Care (Welfare) at St Paul’s International College occurs within the following context:

  • Encompasses everything the school community does to meet the personal, social and learning needs of students
  • Creates a safe,caring school environment in which students are nurtured as they learn
  • Is achieved through the total school curriculum and its delivery
  • Incorporates effective discipline
  • Incorporates preventive health and social skills programs
  • Recognises the diversity within the school community and provides programs and support which acknowledge difference and promote harmony

Provides opportunities for students to:

  • Enjoy success and recognition
  • Make a useful contribution to the life of the school and the wider community
  • Derive enjoyment from their learning
  • Develop resilience, self-motivation and Christian values
  • Take responsibility for their own welfare and development

Such policies, programs and practices include a dedication to inter-cultural understanding, an enriching and comprehensive personal development program, a discipline code based on rights and responsibilities, a fostering of individual and group skills,and an encouragement of healthy leisure activity.

The Head of Welfare and Head of RE confer on a regular basis on pastoral matters and their relevance within theRE curriculum. This has become the major forum for discussion based on student’s personal development, bullying and other relevant pastoral care issues.

We conduct a series of regular Year meetings conducted by the Year coordinators to introduce topics such as bullying, smoking, study skills, student health issues, subject selections and academic pathways.

Other areas of Pastoral care include the following formats: Year Group meetings two to three times a term, individual meetings with students of concern with Heads of Faculty input, Camps and personal interviews with students of concern, educational reviews at the beginning of term based on student reports and outcomes.

The Head of Welfare maintains a close liaison with Boarding House supervisors and conducts a weekly meeting to discuss students of concern and other operational matters of the academic aspects of school life.