
Each of the boarding houses offers accommodation that is comfortable and suited to the age and maturity of our boarders, providing each with appropriate levels of privacy.

Within the walls of the boarding houses- our experienced boarding staff work hard to create a warm and welcoming environment in which the watchwords are ‘openness’ and ‘trust’. As a natural extension of the ethos of St Paul’s the ‘home’ environment is founded on individual responsibility and mutual respect, in which each boarder may approach any other member of the community ­ staff or student- confident that they will be received with courtesy and consideration.

Everyday life in the boarding houses is built around an understanding of the need to maintain a healthy balance between academic endeavour, physical activity and spiritual/emotional relaxation.Among the many organised group activities, there is also time and space for individual pursuits and quiet reflection. In providing such opportunities, we seek to develop qualities of leadership and compassion in our boarders that will inspire them to individual achievement while working as part of a team and, in the process, build understanding and friendships that will last well beyond their days at St Paul’s.

Please note: student’s fees cover all their living expenses within the College with the exception of personal items such as toiletries, mobile phone pre-paid cards, travel costs, etc.