Dear Students,
“Over many years now, St. Paul’s International College has built a reputation for academic excellence in an international environment. Our record in this regard is one of which we are very proud.
However, while we encourage and support academic success, we are also very conscious of our responsibility to foster the spiritual, social and emotional growth of the young people in our care. They are our future and upon their creativity, critical thinking and leadership will depend the prosperity of the nation and the well-being of the world.
More than any previous generation they will be required to operate in a global economy, communicating across cultures as partners in a truly internationalised marketplace. Increasingly, it is becoming clear that internationalism in education is no longer an optional extra; it is a necessity.
At St. Paul’s, we aim to equip our students with the skills to meet the many and varied challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Our students are drawn from a broad range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Here, they are able to gain a clearer understanding of and respect for difference while celebrating and strengthening the values that we all share — goodness, truth, love — in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. In so doing, they widen their intellectual horizons and build an awareness of their individual and collective responsibilities as global citizens.
With Australia’s long-term prosperity becoming focused more and more closely on Asia, St. Paul’s provides students with the academic qualifications and opportunities to obtain the cultural skills and sensitivities that will become increasingly important in a world of international interdependence.

Sr Angelina Fong